Very pleased to announce my appointment as MARKETING LECTURER at LE CORDON BLEU 👍 Lecture topics are BRANDING, where I will be covering the fundamentals of a "brand", positioning, brand building and brand equity. and MARKETING STRATEGY, where I cover the 4P's and...

PRICE as one of the 7P’s of Marketing

I don't know why I am SMILING 🤷‍♂️ £13.05 for one pint of lager and one half pint of non-alcoholic beer! 🥹 CRIKEY 😡 (and you wonder why pubs have a footfall issue) To add insult to injury, the card machine invited me to leave a tip! OMG 🤣 As a CUSTOMER it is easy to...

It’s not all WORK, WORK, WORK you know!

It's not all WORK, WORK, WORK you know at Chris Lewis Marketing! 😂 This week we managed to somehow choose a day without rain (how lucky is that?) and enjoy a "Golf with Friends" afternoon, with all proceeds to the Teenage Cancer Trust 👍 There was some good scoring out...

WTF do I do???

Lots of people know I work FREELANCE in MARKETING (for the past seven years, actually!) 😁 But MARKETING is a wide discipline, and encompasses A LOT of ROLES 🤔 So, if you are thinking of hiring in some MARKETING EXPERTISE, here are the kind of things I do for many...

e-commerce and marketing TECH

Another exhibition, more conversations, more knowledge and more thinking! 👨‍💻 I enjoyed the ecommerce and marketing tech exhibition this week 👍 The headphones weren’t for a silent disco, no one wants to see my dad dancing anyway 😂 Seriously, I visit a lot of...
I love Lavazza

I love Lavazza

I love Lavazza. It is one of my favourite brands Lavazza Lavazza Group 👍 I appreciate as a marketer, I think far too hard about brands, as the range of functional and emotional benefits which constitute the brand and a consumer interaction with it 👏 Here at the...

Marketing? – I can help!

Marketing? – I can help!

Yes, I know I help LOTS of businesses with MARKETING STRATEGY 👍 But I do get involved in lots of other marketing-related activities too! 😉 In March - - Finding a conference venue, Midlands-based, to accommodate 250 people, with overnight accommodation and...

SME Marketing Support

SME Marketing Support

A lot of the MARKETING SUPPORT I give to SME's is not highfalutin strategy 'stuff' ! 😉 It is simple, straightforward and solid marketing advice, based upon a) an understanding of their business and b) a lot of my experience working in marketing across different...

Doing MARKETING properly!

Doing MARKETING properly!

OMG, a Hotel Chocolat salted hot chocolate with whipped cream 😁 Now that is really impressive. If you going to do it, do it PROPERLY (and I did 🤣 ) Talking about doing things PROPERLY... How much of your MARKETING is just "do it and see" kind of stuff? You NEED a...

Selling and Marketing

Selling and Marketing

I have always loved SELLING! 👍 If I hadn't developed a career in MARKETING, I am sure I would have developed one in SALES. 😉 I have had a couple of stints in SALES through my working life, when I first graduated selling vacuum cleaners and washing machines to...

Face-To-Face Events & Networking

Face-To-Face Events & Networking

Face-to-Face EVENTS are always more fun when you are NETWORKING with a long-standing client! 😄 Spenbeck is a wonderfully entrepreneurial business, with consultancies in sustainability, building health and interior design. 👍 It has and continues to be a privilege to...

PRICE – a much overlooked “P”

PRICE – a much overlooked “P”

PRICE 💷 Marketers - it is one of the 4P's so often overlooked ! 🤷‍♂️ Maybe it's because it is not as sexy as PROMOTION or PRODUCT or even PLACE !😉 Or perhaps it is because you are not accountable for profit, so it is less important? (I hope not) 😥 PRICING and MARGIN...

OMG…Marketing Strategy and Execution!

OMG…Marketing Strategy and Execution!

A few weeks ago I spent AN HOUR OF MY LIFE tuned into a "marketing strategy" WEBINAR 🤔 Even though marketing strategy is what I do for lots of businesses, AND I TEACH IT TOO, I thought you never know, I might learn something 🤞 AND I DID. I learned that some marketing...

Woo Hoo…I won the Lottery!

Woo Hoo…I won the Lottery!

I AM HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE I WON THE NATIONAL LOTTERY 💶 💶 💶 I will stay on LinkedIn for the time being. After all, it was only three numbers, I got £30 🤣 But you are still reading, right, 5 lines into my post. LOOK, GRABBING ATTENTION is really important 😉 Especially if...

Supporting SME’s with Marketing Thinking and Delivery

Supporting SME’s with Marketing Thinking and Delivery

SMEs represent 99% of all businesses in the UK 👍 So why is it that 99% of marketing case studies showcase the bigger corporations, like Apple and Nike and McDonalds with their deep marketing resources?! 😡 Not much use really, as a guide to an SME 🤷‍♂️ That's why my...

Pros and Cons of freelance marketing!

Pros and Cons of freelance marketing!

Working for yourself has its PROS and its CONS 😉 One upside is the variety of clients - different sectors, B2C and B2B, with a heap of different opportunities and challenges. 100% stimulating 🏆 I particularly like the "GETTING TO KNOW YOU" phase. Learning about a...

Better Marketing Drives Business Growth

Let's phone, by email, with an on-line call, even better is a coffee and a conversation.