I love the acronym KISS
I know you know what it means – Keep It Simple (Stupid)
It’s a principle I can confidently say I am good at
Especially when it comes to marketing strategy
Being able to break down complex subjects into manageable bite-sized chunks, so it is easily understood and applied is a talent (if I say so myself!)
I remember many years ago at the start of my marketing career, being given some wise words of advice on the eve of annual brand planning…
“Christopher”, said the sage, “I would much prefer an average brand plan delivered brilliantly than a brilliant brand plan delivered averagely”
Not quite the same, but similar. Keep it Simple is the message.
Get focused on two or three big things, and do them well.
Not try to do everything and spread yourself so thinly you do most things badly.
Have a think about your task list for next week or for this month.
Where will you focus? What will you get done? Are these the big prizes which make a big difference once delivered?
Remember, even strategy is as much about deciding what NOT to do, as well as what to do!

If I can help, do get in touch!